Filmlocation für ein Musikvideodreh der Band "View for a day" aus Groningen, Niederlande

Unterstützung eine niederländischen Band zu einem Videodreh in der ehemaligen JVA Blockland im September 2015. Anbei die Anfrage aus den Niederlanden. Es hat tatsächiich geklappt. Vielen lieben Dank an Immobilien Bremen für diesen einzigen Tag auf dem Gelände der JVA Blockland.
Hier die Anfrage: "Hi! My name is Laurens Hof and I am from the Netherlands. If you like you can write your answer back in German. I can speak it and read it, but can't express myself that good in writing ;) The reason why I am writing you is because of JVA Blockland. The minute I saw it I was absolutely blown away by the old, authentic atmosphere of the prison. I know that it isn't being used at the moment and so I was wondering if you could help me out for cultural purposes. I am in a band called View for a Day, a upcoming band from the Netherlands with a few big shows on our name. We are releasing a new single this autumn and we would really like to shoot our videoclip in the JVA. Is there any chance that I can call you about this to talk about it?Do you think you can help us out with this matter? You can find more about us on:;I really, really hope to hear from you guys, even if you are not the right persons to address to. Maybe you could help me to get in touch with the right guy then ;) Sincerely, Laurens Hof", 16. August 2015
16.08.2015 - 19.09.2015
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